Alumni Organizations & Awards

Alumni Association

All HSU graduates automatically become members of the Alumni Association. 所有会友都会收到Range Rider及其他校友的邮件和通讯.

校友会的这个管理机构定期开会,并协助组织与校友有关的节目. This working board of 21 members (max) represents a wide variety of demographics. They meet 4-5 times a year. Each member is integral to the Board’s success.

The Alumni Association Board, in partnership with the Office of Alumni Engagement, 旨在与校友沟通,并为校友提供途径,以继续和进一步与HSU和其他25所大学的关系,000 alumni throughout the world.

Click here to apply to serve on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Applications are due by October 28, 2024. 

哈丁西蒙斯青年协会(BYA)是一群自愿帮助HSU实现其使命的校友. 会员年龄在四十岁以下,并致力在基督教的环境中为所有中大学生提供优质的教育.

The Board is involved in many areas including but not limited to; assisting in recruitment, fundraising, promoting academic excellence and student leadership, encouraging alumni support and participation, and providing assistance as requested for projects and activities.

会员资格提供给已毕业三年且年龄在40岁以下的申请人. Total number of members does not exceed 75. 理事会的成员资格是在大学和校董会批准的情况下,通过BYA成员委员会的邀请而授予的.

Check back for the Board of Young Associates Application link in February 2025. 

The Board of Development is made up of alumni, exes, and friends who desire to support Hardin-Simmons University. The Board members support the University through awarding student scholarships, promoting awareness, sparking interest, and providing financial support for the University. 负责参与和发展的副总裁担任董事会的行政官员. The board meetings are held at Homecoming and in the Spring.

For more information email or call 325-670-1260. 

Alumni Awards

Each year, Hardin-Simmons honors our alumni and former students. Awards are given for outstanding achievements in either their careers, their community, or their dedication to HSU. If you know of an alum who meets the criteria for one of our awards, please click here to nominate them. Our award categories are:

The Alumni Service Award is the highest alumni honor HSU can bestow. 自1943年以来,它一直颁发给在他或她的领域为改善HSU做出最大贡献的前学生, or who has rendered the greatest service to the University. 奖项由一个委员会选出,该委员会的成员由校园领导角色设立.

2024 John J. Keeter, Jr. Alumni Service Award

Ms. Dorothy (Houston) Kiser, ’65/’92

Ms. Dorothy (Houston) Kiser于1965年获得HSU宗教教育理学学士学位,并于1992年获得MBA学位. Dorothy began her 30-year career at HSU in 1980. She served as secretary to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Assistant Registrar, Registrar, and Associate Vice President of Student Records and Registration.  She was active in registrar organizations at the local, state, regional, and nation levels, serving as president and many other leadership positions. In 1988, she was named HSU Staff Member of the Year.

Since retiring from HSU, 多萝西一直是哈佛大学奖学金的成员,担任项目副总裁, through serving on the HSU Academic Foundation, 此前任职于发展委员会和校友会董事会. She is also a loyal attendee to many of HSU’s sporting and campus events.

This award, given since 1970, 是颁发给个人及专业成就足以代表大学理想及目标,并为中大带来荣誉的校友. 奖项由一个委员会选出,该委员会的成员由校园领导角色设立.

2024 Distinguished Alumni Award

Dr. Tracy (Sheehy) Manly ’93

Dr. Tracy (Sheehy) Manly于1993年获得HSU会计工商管理学士学位. Her career in higher education has spanned 25 years. Since January 2023, 她曾担任西南浸会大学教务长和学术管理副校长. Immediately prior, 她曾担任塔尔萨大学学术倡议的代理教务长/高级副教务长和阿尔伯特罗杰斯会计学教授. Dr. 曼利发表了超过25篇与商业道德相关的期刊文章和书籍章节, accounting instruction, and tax compliance and policy.

While at HSU, she was a member of Sigma Alpha social club and served as the president her senior year. She was awarded the Jesse N. Fletcher Award for Outstanding Business Undergraduate in 1993. Tracy was recognized as one of HSU’s Outstanding Young Alumni recipients in 2009.

Mr. Matthew Morris ’02

Mr. Matthew Morris于2002年获得HSU的工商管理学士学位.  Hired by Gus Bates Insurance & Investments as their 6th employee, Matt helped Gus Bates I & I grow from $900k in revenue to $15m. While serving as president of Gus Bates I & I, Matt navigated their merger with HUB International in 2020. Matt now serves as Area President of HUB International over the Fort Worth Market. 2019年,马特被沃斯堡商业出版社评为40位40岁以下获奖者之一.

As an HSU student, Matthew是Delta Mu Delta商业兄弟会的成员,并在HSU音乐会乐队演奏法国号. 在HSU牛仔橄榄球队时,他被公认为全美进攻线卫. Matt多年来一直与HSU保持联系,并于2006-2011年在Young Associates董事会任职.

Dr. Sarah (Jones) Morris ’02

Dr. Sarah (Jones) Morris is the owner of Sarah J. Morris, DDS and Associates in Fort Worth, TX. She holds membership in multiple local, state, 自2007年以来,每年都被同行评选为沃斯堡的“最佳医生”和“最佳牙医”之一. Among the top 4% of dentists in the USA, Dr. Morris was selected as a fellow in the International College of Dentistry. In her spare time, Sarah volunteers with multiple organizations, providing free dental care to needy populations.

Sarah earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from HSU in 2002. As a student, Sarah was Vice President of Beta Beta Beta’s- Delta Psi Chapter, a member of the Health Care Professions Society, a member of the Cowboy Activities Committee, and played intramural sports. She served on HSU’s Board of Young Associates from 2006 to 2011.

杰出青年校友奖的获奖人必须在他们所选择的领域内取得显著的成就,或为世界带来非凡的利益. They reflect the quality and caliber of today’s HSU students and alumni. At the time of their selection, 获奖者毕业于澳门皇冠赌场平台不超过20年,年龄不超过45岁.

2024 Outstanding Young Alumni Award

Mrs. Sarah (Wesley) Cameron ’12

Sarah Cameron graduated from HSU in 2012 with a BBS in social work. After graduation, she returned home to Arizona and began working at Hands of Hope, 这是一个基督教怀孕中心,她在那里帮助妇女倡导她们的健康和康复.

In 2014, Sarah and her husband Alec felt God’s call to become licensed foster care parents. After multiple foster placements, the Lord led a sibling group to Sarah and Alec and they are now a forever family.

萨拉在基督教家庭护理机构担任寄养培训师,在那里她利用自己作为寄养父母的实际经验进行教学, equip and support the next generation of foster families. 她还在Sage Creek Ranch Events担任活动经理,在那里她创造体验,让她的客户感到被关注和被倾听, making their event as special as it can be.

Sarah and Alec have three daughters and one son. The family attends Second Mile Church.

Dr. Jordan Daniel ’07

Jordan Daniel于2007年获得运动、健身和休闲研究的BBS学位.E. in sport and recreation management in 2008, both from HSU. In 2013 he received a Ph.D. in recreation, parks, and tourism science from Texas A&M University.

乔丹是安吉洛州立大学运动机能系的副教授. Initially hired in 2013 as an instructor of kinesiology, he has progressed through the professorial ranks. 他曾在多个会议上发表,并在体育和娱乐领域发表或共同发表了许多文章.

While at HSU, Jordan played football for the Cowboys, serving as team captain in 2007. 他是领导力项目的大使,并在安德森大厅担任住宿助理.


Dr. Ben Lovvorn ’04

Ben Lovvorn是达拉斯第一浸信会的执行牧师,在那里他领导和监督与教会事工有关的所有事项, administration, and operation. Lovvorn also leads FBC Dallas’ worldwide broadcast ministry, Pathway to Victory, which airs on over 1,000 radio stations and 11,他是第一达拉斯媒体公司的总裁,该公司拥有并经营着全国最受欢迎的基督教广播电台之一.

Ben graduated from HSU in 2004 with a BBA in business management. He earned a juris doctorate from Baylor University Law School in 2007 and completed a Ph.D. in Christian leadership in ministry from Liberty University in December 2023.

While at HSU, Ben获得了杰出管理学生奖和John Wood商业道德奖. He played football for the Cowboys, winning two ASC Championships, and was named to the NCAA ASC All-Academic Team.

Ben and his wife Parris have four sons and one daughter.

Click through to see the most recent Hall of Fame inductees.